When Will My Order Ship?
Once your order is placed, you will receive an email confirmation that your order has been accepted and received by our warehouse. Once your order is fully checked, packaged and labeled, you will receive a second email confirming the successful ship-out of your order. Please note this ship-out date reflects the start of your shipping timeline and allow for an additional 3-8 business days for the arrival of your package. All order with standard shipping selected are estimated time frames for delivery, we are not able to issue shipping refunds for delays associated with standard shipping orders.
It's Been Over a Week and My Order Has Not Arrived.
Most items typically ship within 24 hours and arrive within 3-8 business days depending on the shipping destination and delivery speed selected. Certain items and large orders require extra preparation time due to the processing at our warehouse. If you have any questions about the status of your order, reach out to our Customer Support Team with your order number and we can assist you in locating your order.